About us

Since our inception in 1992, KUPO Optics has been at the forefront of the optical coatings and filters industry. With a steadfast commitment to quality, we've carved out a distinguished reputation, providing top-tier optical solutions. Our focus on maintaining high standards has positioned us as a leader in the professional optical filter market, catering to a diverse range of industries with unmatched expertise and precision.

State-of-the-art Facilities

Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our investment in cutting-edge production technology. Our arsenal includes advanced planetary coating machines, precise linear and laser cutting tools, and high-resolution spectrometers. This sophisticated equipment enables us to craft filters and coatings with exceptional accuracy and consistency, ensuring each product meets our stringent quality benchmarks.


Wide Range Applications

KUPO Optics' products find their application across a vast array of fields. We cater to sectors as diverse as medical and fluorescence imaging, machine vision, astronomy, defense systems, and entertainment. Our optical filters and coatings are integral in enhancing the performance and functionality of various devices and systems in these industries.


Flexibility and Customization

We understand the urgency and unique requirements of our clients. Our extensive inventory is poised to fulfill rush orders, demonstrating our commitment to responsive service. Furthermore, our seasoned R&D team is adept at developing bespoke filters tailored to meet the most exacting specifications, providing solutions that align perfectly with client needs.


KUPO Dichroic Filter

At KUPO Optics, the precision and consistency of our optical filters are a testament to our advanced coating chambers equipped with planetary revolution and Ion Assistant Deposition (IAD) technology. Adhering to MIL-M-13508C standards, our rigorous manufacturing process ensures each filter withstands environmental challenges, including abrasion, humidity, and flaking. Our commitment to quality is further solidified by our adherence to ISO 9001 standards, guaranteeing uniformity in all our products.
Our relentless pursuit of innovation is grounded in continuous research and development. We are dedicated to exploring new possibilities in optical solutions, striving to exceed expectations in both product quality and customer service. At KUPO Optics, your satisfaction is our priority. We welcome your inquiries and are committed to providing prompt and comprehensive responses to all your needs.


Astronomy and Telescopic Imaging

Refining the Cosmos: The Critical Application of Optical Filters in Astronomy and Telescopic Imaging
Understanding Astronomy and Telescopic Imaging
Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial bodies and phenomena beyond Earth's atmosphere. It is a discipline that connects us to the universe, unraveling the mysteries of stars, planets, galaxies, and the cosmic web that binds them all. Telescopic imaging has been an invaluable tool in this quest, allowing astronomers to capture and analyze light from the furthest reaches of space, vastly improving our understanding of the cosmos.
Optical filters are essential in enhancing the capabilities of telescopes. By selectively transmitting or blocking certain wavelengths of light, they enable astronomers to observe and decipher specific details about celestial objects that would otherwise be lost in the vast sea of cosmic light. From isolating the emissions of a distant nebula to cutting through the light pollution of urban skies, optical filters are indispensable in modern astronomy.
Let's explore the indispensable role each optical filter plays in advancing our celestial observations.
Dichroic Filters: Unveiling the Colorful Details of the Universe
Dichroic filters, with their steep transmission and reflection cut-offs, are perfect for astronomical purposes:
● Multiband Imaging: These filters can channel different wavelengths to separate detectors, allowing for simultaneous imaging in multiple color bands, which is vital for analyzing the composition and physical properties of celestial bodies.
● Reflecting Unwanted Light: They are used in telescopes to direct unwanted infrared light away from the optical path, protecting sensitive instruments from heat damage and reducing thermal noise.
● Narrowband Selection: Astronomers also utilize dichroic filters to isolate narrow spectral lines for studying star formation, galactic composition, and other phenomena.
Dichroic filters offer a level of precision and durability that makes them ideal for the rigors of space observation.
IR Filters: Accessing the Universe's Thermal Imprint
Infrared filters play a unique role in telescopic imaging by filtering out visible light and allowing only infrared radiation to pass, revealing aspects of the cosmos not visible in other spectrums:
● Deep Sky Observation: IR filters can be used to observe cooler objects in space, such as distant galaxies and nebulas, which emit predominantly in the infrared spectrum.
● Thermal Imaging: They help in studying the heat emissions of celestial bodies, which is essential for understanding their temperature, composition, and evolutionary stage.
IR astronomy opens new windows into the universe, extending our sight to the edges of the observable and beyond.
Polarizing Filters: Resolving Celestial Phenomena
Polarizing filters, which limit light to a specific plane of polarization, are invaluable tools in astronomy for enhancing contrast and obtaining physical data about celestial objects:
● Atmospheric Scattering: These filters can reduce glare caused by scattering in Earth's atmosphere, improving the clarity of telescopic images.
● Surface Analysis: By analyzing polarized light from bodies like planets and their moons, astronomers can deduce information about surface features and atmospheric conditions.
Polarizing filters thus contribute critical insights into the mechanics of distant worlds.
UHC/LPR Filters: Conquering Light Pollution and Enhancing Nebulae
Ultra-High Contrast (UHC) and Light Pollution Reduction (LPR) filters aim to improve the visibility of celestial objects within light-polluted skies:
● Light Pollution Suppression: By selectively blocking wavelengths generated by artificial lighting, these filters allow more of the relevant starlight to pass through, enhancing the contrast between objects like nebulae and the night sky.
● Nebula Isolation: UHC filters are specifically designed to pass the emission lines of nebulae while blocking other wavelengths, making them ideal for observing emission nebulae in detail in both rural and urban settings.
UHC and LPR filters are critical for amateur and professional astronomers alike, enabling detailed observation even from within light-polluted areas.
Bandpass Filters: Isolating Astronomical Signatures
Specially designed bandpass filters admit only a narrow range of wavelengths and are used extensively in astronomical photometry and imaging:
● Stellar Photometry: Bandpass filters enable precise measurements of star brightness at specific wavelengths, important for determining distances, temperatures, and ages.
● Planetary Surface Study: Different planetary features absorb and emit light in unique ways, and bandpass filters help in detecting these spectral signatures, aiding in the study of planetary atmospheres and compositions.
With the help of bandpass filters, astronomers can dissect the complex layers of light from the cosmos, gaining nuanced insights into celestial mechanics and composition.
Conclusion: Expanding Cosmic Horizons with Optical Filters
Optical filters are pivotal in astronomy and telescopic imaging, sharpening our view of the cosmos and deepening our understanding of its myriad phenomena. With each type of filter serving a distinct purpose, KUPO Optics offers an array of precision-engineered solutions tailored to meet the demanding needs of astronomical observation.
Our dedication to quality and performance is reflected in the highly specialized filters we provide, ensuring that both amateur stargazers and professional astronomers have the best tools at their disposal to explore the universe. KUPO Optics is proud to support the astronomical community, pushing the boundaries of discovery and bringing the wonders of the night sky into clearer focus for all who seek to unveil them.