KUPO Dichroic Filter



IR Cut Off Filters

KUPO Optics' IR Cut-off Filters are a quintessential solution in modern optical technology, designed to masterfully balance the transmission of visible light while effectively blocking infrared radiation. This innovative design addresses the common issue of infrared interference in imaging systems, ensuring that colors are rendered naturally and accurately. These filters are indispensable in applications where the quality of the visual representation is paramount, such as in camera systems, projectors, and various illumination setups.
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, these filters boast a sharp cutoff at around 650nm, marking the transition between the visible and infrared spectra. This precision enables the filters to allow a high percentage of visible light (over 85%) to pass through while keeping infrared transmission below 5%. Such accuracy is vital in applications like projection systems, where image quality and color accuracy are crucial, and in art galleries or photographic apparatus, where the integrity of the subject or artwork is essential.
The IR Cut-off Filters from KUPO Optics stand out for their consistent quality across pieces and batches, adhering to the rigorous MIL-M-13508C standards for humidity, adhesion, and abrasion. This consistency ensures that these filters can be reliably integrated into systems requiring uniform optical characteristics. Whether it’s enhancing the color fidelity of a camera sensor or protecting sensitive artworks from the subtle heating effects of IR radiation, KUPO's IR Cut-off Filters are a reliable choice for professionals seeking excellence in optical performance. 

The Applications of IR Cut Off Filters

IR cut off filters are integral components in contemporary optics, offering the critical function of blocking infrared light while transmitting visible light. These filters are beneficial in any scenario where the presence of infrared radiation could detrimentally affect the performance of an imaging system, cause heat damage, or otherwise interfere with an application. Utilized across a plethora of industrial domains, IR cut off filters enhance performance, improve accuracy, and prevent potential damage in fields such as digital imaging, machine vision, photography, scientific instrumentation, and stage lighting.
Digital Imaging
In digital imaging, IR cut off filters are essential to ensure the digital sensors, which are naturally sensitive to IR radiation, only capture the visible spectrum. This is crucial for digital cameras, video recorders, and other imaging devices to produce accurate and true-to-life colors, as IR radiation can often lead to color distortions and a reduction in image clarity.
Machine Vision 
Machine vision systems use IR cut off filters to ensure precise identification and analysis in automated processes. In fields such as automotive manufacturing, food sorting, or pharmaceutical inspections, precise color detection is necessary for quality control. IR cut off filters guarantee that the imaging sensors are not influenced by IR light, thus maintaining the integrity of visual data and facilitating the accurate sorting, inspection, and placement of products.
Stage Lighting 
IR cut off filters help protect performers and materials in stage lighting applications by reducing the heat transmitted from lighting fixtures. This is particularly important for protecting delicate costumes, props, and set pieces from heat damage. By maintaining the intensity of visible illumination while cutting off the IR spectrum, stage lighting can provide the desired effect without the risk of heat-related issues.
Photographers utilize IR cut off filters to prevent the infrared spectrum from influencing the film or digital sensor, ensuring the captured images do not suffer from undesirable haze or color shifts, particularly in outdoor environments. By eliminating the IR light that can pass through traditional camera filters, photographers can achieve greater color accuracy and clarity in their work.
Security and Surveillance 
Security cameras often incorporate IR cut off filters to deliver clear and accurate imagery during varying light conditions. This allows cameras to switch between normal daytime operation and night vision modes, ensuring high-quality imaging regardless of the presence of infrared light, which is vital in security and monitoring applications.
Medical Imaging 
In medical imaging devices, IR cut off filters ensure that only the needed light spectrum is used for various diagnostics or treatments, improving the accuracy and efficiency of the equipment. This optimizes the visual output and protects patients and practitioners from the potentially harmful effects of infrared radiation.
Astronomers use IR cut off filters to obtain better images of celestial objects. Since many celestial bodies emit light in the IR spectrum, these filters allow for clear differentiation and analysis of the visible light data, which is crucial for astrophotography and other observational methodologies.
Scientific Instruments 
Scientific instruments like spectrometers and telescopes rely on IR cut off filters to isolate the investigation to visible light. This ensures that measurements are accurate and not skewed by IR radiation, providing a more reliable data set for researchers across various scientific disciplines.
Automotive Systems 
Automotive systems, especially those involving advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and dashboard cameras, incorporate IR cut off filters to accurately capture the visible environment. This assists in hazard detection, driver awareness, navigation, and recording of potential incidents without distortion from the IR spectrum.
IR cut off filters are thus foundational to the proper functioning and advancement of multiple technologies and industries. By selectively filtering out infrared light, these optical components provide a simple yet effective solution to meeting the precision and safety requirements of modern applications that depend on the visible light spectrum. Their use is likely to increase as the need for high fidelity and specificity in imaging and light management continues to grow.
KUPO Dichroic/ IR Cut Off Filters


● Perfect piece-to-piece, batch-to-batch consistency
● Excellent visible light transmission
● Reflect IR and block UV

Examples of Applications

● Projection System
● Illumination System
● Art Gallery
● Photographic and Film Apparatus

General Specification

● Spectral Tolerance: +/- 10nm at designated wavelength
● Available Substrate: See Glass Substrates under Products Page
● Humidity, Adhesion, and Abrasion: MIL-M-13508C